All parts and accessories needed for 12-Cup Savoy Programmable Digital Stainless Steel Digital Coffee Maker EC312050
12-Cup Savoy Programmable Digital Stainless Steel Digital Coffee Maker EC312050 Wake up to hot, delicious coffeeBrew up to 12 cups of great-tasting coffee with the KRUPS Savoy EC312050 programmable coffee maker. Its easy-to-read digital screen and intuitive control panel enables you to easily program your clock, select your coffee strength and program the auto-start.
Brew up to 12 cups of great-tasting coffee with the KRUPS Savoy EC312050 programmable coffee maker. Its easy-to-read digital screen and intuitive control panel enables you to easily program your clock, select your coffee strength and program the auto-start.
7 accessory/ies for this product12-Cup Savoy Programmable Digital Stainless Steel Digital Coffee Maker EC312050
27 Technical part(s)12-Cup Savoy Programmable Digital Stainless Steel Digital Coffee Maker EC312050
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